
The Rye

The Rye beat is about 1.3 km long, just north of Storås. You fish from the east bank of the river and you can fish whatever the water levels. The beat is divided into a lower and upper section, offering fine pools with lots of lies for big salmon.

Upper Rye has a faster, deep current with large rocks and good current edges which, after a small, narrow neck, lead to a deep, quiet pool. The current contains lots of exciting lies, and even if there aren't so many permanent lies, the salmon like to pause here on their way upstream. The upper beat is best fished when water levels are normal.

The outlet to the deep pool is "hot" - lots of fishermen make contact with salmon here. The hole itself has slow-moving waters and is difficult to wade, but is interesting when the water is high.
From 2016 this beat has been further extended - the upper limit is much further up than before. This allows you to fish even more interesting beats, including a "mini neck". Upper Rye offers very varied fishing with lots of exciting beats.

Lower Rye is one of the Orkla's iconic pools, with its characteristic huge boulders. Here you can find lie after lie, getting better and better. The inlet currents often hold salmon which have taken a brief pause before continuing upstream.

You can find fish everywhere here - from the outermost current edge, in the middle of the current, and the innermost current edge. Perhaps your own inside edge is best, so don't wade out too far, but fish all the way in, especially early in the morning. When you move on down towards the big rock you can find salmon all the way along and in the entire breadth of water.
Just above the big rock is the first really "hot" stone, very near your side. At normal water levels there are often salmon just nearby, so the first round of the day can be really successful.

Just level with the large rock you can find a row of lies in the middle of the river created by a group of big stones. These large rocks are spread out everywhere, providing fantastic lies for salmon. You’ll always find salmon here – they have paused in the pool before spawning.
A little further down, the water flows more slowly and the pool becomes shallower the closer it gets to the neck. This is best fished when the river is in full spate, when all the rocks on land are potential lies. During dark August evenings you may even find salmon in the lies, as they’ve taken a tour of the pool under cover of darkness and moved down to the lower reaches. There are large stones here as well, making it difficult to move the fly as the current is slow. Quite a challenge!

he cottage at Rye provides simple over-night facilities, perhaps on those nights when you want to carry on fishing early in the morning.
At Rye you can even get your lunch served at a long table, sheltered from the wind. Perhaps a juicy steak from the charcoal grill!